Hubbards Area Heritage Collection

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The Shore Club


 Shore Club, Hubbards, NS., 2001.

 Shore Club, Hubbards, NS., 2001.

Rhys Harnish, Shore Club, May 26, 2001  Ned Norwood.

Shore Club, Hubbards, NS. c. 1950.

Party at the Shore Club in its early years when people got boxed meals with utensils. Note absence of trees and homes in the left background, c 1950. Robert Norwood

Dinner at the Shore Club, c. 1950.


 Shore Club, Hubbards, NS.

 Shore Club, Hubbards, NS.

 Terry Fox Run, Hubbards, NS.


Rhys Harnish, Terry Fox Run, Shore Club, Hubbards, NS.

 Roy and Lois Harnish, Shore Club Anniversary, Hubbards, NS.