Ben Howell Davis
Long Cove, Nova Scotia,
Long Cove (remodeled) , Nova
Scotia, 2003.
Viridian Contest Entries:
Hot Rod (Solar LightRod),
June, 2001
Green Reddy Kilowatt 2001
Greenhouse Disaster
Symbol 2000
Untitled Series of digital
images, 2001
Abstractions of
traditional photographs that relate to the concept of the horizon as time and
space marker as well as the Golden Section.
Build Where You Please, Digital prints 20x30 inches
“Build,” IRIS,16 x 200 began life as a
traditional drawing (30 x 40 on Rives BFK), was photographed, and then scanned
into the computer. It is a sequenced piece made of ten 16 x 20 IRIS prints. The
concept of the original drawing was to draw a "settlement" of houses
built anywhere that it felt good compositionally. The resulting town was a
comfortable rambling, organic place. The digital images were toned, reversed,
compressed, and imbedded with the images of a horizon and a figure leaping from
an automobile. The digital "place" lost a level of comfort but gained
vast space.